Pressed Coffee and Freedom

My morning routine is quite different these days, perhaps I will write about that soon…. but the message is still the same. Enjoy your Monday! XOXOXOXO

Saturday Soul

Pressed Coffee and Freedom 

For my brother Bruce

Every morning I have a little routine to start my day. After waking up I shuffle into the kitchen, fill up the water kettle, flip the little blue switch, grind the coffee beans and wait.  I wait for the water to heat and while I’m waiting I sometimes sit at my kitchen table and write postcards to friends, read an article from the latest issue of Vanity Fair or peruse recipes in my Savour magazine, some days I head back to my bedroom and start dressing for the day.

While the kettle is gurgling and hissing hot water, I’ll grab the organic non-fat milk from the fridge and pour it into my nifty Nespresso milk steamer, and I wait. I’m waiting for the right moment when the kettle flips off so I can pour the hot water over the freshly ground coffee…

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