Our Moment in Time

“To be present in the moment and embrace each nuance of it is a gift we must learn to recognize, and there is no better teacher for this than love.”

~ Sandy Hibbard

Our moment in time man and woman laying together and kissing saturdaysoul.com blog


Every moment with you is an eternity of pleasure. As I ponder the many beautiful times we shared, I am reminded of how important being aware of those moments are when you are no longer near.”


Love unrequited, love satisfied, self love, brotherly love, your love rejected, love grown cold, love gone away, love nurtured, lusty love – in every case, love will shake you to your hearts core all while showing us that we are really not in control.  No one is in control.

We learn to let go in love. We learn to hold on… through selflessness, giving, thinking of ourselves second. We learn the power of “other” and humility when a decision or mistake is made and we know that someone else will embrace, acquiesce, or defiantly reject us for it. We are not in control of another person’s behavior, affections, or desires. So if we are getting what the Universe is teaching, we are practicing opening our hearts and becoming increasingly aware of each moment and living it. PLUS we are acknowledging [gratefully] the power of letting go and with a strong will accepting responsibility for our own behavior. But letting go is hard, and loving again is harder.

In times when I long for more (you know those old friends “want and desire”?), I stop, take note, and speak to the brevity of the day and the infinite possibilities that teem within me – I try to choose the now and to be satisfied for what I am being giving in this day. I am grateful for the times I have shared in love, those “reality” moments in fact are my eternity, cherished. I certainly hold on to them.

Those memories of good times are great, yeah? You want the good experiences to stay, recycling the euphoria. You want to repeat the feeling, stay stoked on them, or, drunkenly continue to submerge yourself in negative emotions about them that only feed that nasty  psychic pain-body. But whether good or bad, things don’t stay the same, memories are memories, thats all. Experiences will come and go but love will remain when we accept our circumstances, lovingly and without judgement. This is not an easy thing. It’s absolutely something I must work on. 

When I lovingly focus on living in this moment now, I am given peace and assurance that I am enough, allowing me to give back the gifts the Universe has given to those who are in my life today. It offers beauty to the experiences I am encountering in real time.

Nothing stays the same, everything changes. Love will ebb and flow, come and go. Life and people will evolve along the course and move us all further down the stream, pushed by the currents to the next situation that will bring opportunities for living and loving. And when it does, I want to be ready.



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