Whatever you feel means you are alive


When the pain
and the piano keys
need no voice
to carry the
ache of the loss
you felt
the moment you
laid eyes
on the one
you can
never hold
in the morning.

~ C.S  [Christina Strigas]


Beautiful things come out of horrible situations.
I know for a fact.

Out of sadness you get a new found wisdom on how the world can look with a haze of gray clouds,
how people can be senseless,
how you can see the whole universe in a whole new way.
That may be hard to handle, hard to cope, hard to accept,
but it is so damn beautiful if you really seize the moment to realize.

Out of anger, you can feel your heart beat race, with every beat it is shaking your whole being –
and not only with the heavy steps you take, but shaking with awareness, with focus, with a presence of BEING in the NOW.

This is when you, your whole self and being is telling you that you are alive. It is connecting to the energy of the Universe – the collective of all human beings.
It is amazing from every angle.
It is YOU

Out of anything there is something.
The creative power of the human spirit.
The healing power of love and acceptance without judgement –
of yourself
of others.
Incredible aliveness.
All that makes you shine.
Whatever you feel is a blessing.
Whatever you feel means you are alive.


Taken from post by WomenInLove on Tumblr.

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