Learning to surf the waves


I’m snowed in today at home. We had a big ice storm last night in Plano Texas and my power went out around 12:30am. Power is still out and I – am being forced – to learn again how to be quiet within myself. I am also honing in on my survival skills! It didn’t take long for me to get hungry for something nice and hot, so I decided to brew a pot of espresso in my fireplace, and guess what? It was delicious! Guess what else? I’m fine! Even though I can’t get out of my house, the streets are too treacherous to drive on and my only connectivity is my precious iPhone that I am rationing out usage on because there’s no electricity to recharge it with, I am good with myself. As I tell you often, I am learning to go with the flow. I am learning to be content with the way things are. And yes I throw fits and get unhappy, act like a shit, and feel completely unsettled sometimes – that’s when a call to a friend, a glass of wine and a good cry by the fireplace helps.

My blessings are in my face today in this quiet cold downtime – I am upheld by my spirit, dear beautiful friends, wonderful family, and people who love me, I am grateful that I am really never alone. Thanks to all of you, you know who you are. ❤️❤️

I’m going to sign out now so I can finish drinking this hot cup of campfire coffee before it gets cold… Love and hugs Sandy

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