Don’t Despair, Another Train is Coming

Things have been a little bit topsy-turvey in my life lately, but there is one thing I know for sure, this will surely pass!  The  next thing is on its way and it will bring me to a new place, a richer depth of understanding, a sweeter dimension of love and peace, and with it, new opportunities.  I loved this article I read recently, it really spoke to me and I wanted to share with you.  If you don’t remember anything else, remember this:

“Stay involved and when life’s disappointments come your way, don’t despair. Just start looking for the next train.”

“A Western student of Eastern Philosophy was preparing to return to the hectic pace of life in New York City and asked his teacher for some advice about to how to adapt to the change. He was told, “Remember, when you are running for the subway train and see it leaving without you, don’t panic. There’s always another train.”

This is good advice not only for subways but also for life in general. One lost opportunity is most often followed by another chance. When you don’t get something you desire such a promotion, that big sale you were seeking, or the house you’d hoped to buy, remind yourself, “There’s always another train.”

This is a perspective shifting statement, and it doesn’t mean that you will not be disappointed, but rather, it’s encouragement not to get stuck in the disappointment. If you become overly focused on what you missed, you may lose motivation to keep trying. Or, you could panic into the frantic activity of fruitless wheel spinning and risk settling for less than the best.

Knowing that there is always another train helps us to practice patience so as to be available when the next opportunity comes.

Implicit in this notion is that to catch another train; you must stay in the station, which means stay open to possibility and in the field of play. Keep applying for promotions, making sales calls, stay involved in life, look for opportunities to live and love, and always keep seeking your goal.”

Love & Peace!

Article Source: Lessons for Living  

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